


Engage in your own unique combination of opportunities while traveling through and settling into Norway.

Considered a world leader in green technology, Norway is an ideal place to learn about environmental engineering.

Massive government subsidies to encourage the switch to green technology have been in place for years and today, the country has the largest fleet of plug-in electric vehicles in the world. Norwegian airline company Wideroe is even working on developing a zero-emission electric aircraft.

Norwegian engineers and scientists are also at the forefront of the push to develop carbon capture and storage technology and are doing ground-breaking work in the solar power, biofuel and biomass industries. In addition, many companies are exploring the possibility of using hydrogen and ammonia to create clean fuel with the help of generous R&D subsidies from the government.

Despite its strong commitment to sustainability, Norway still relies heavily on oil industry revenues to sustain its welfare system.

Engage in a company visit to a multinational structural and civil engineering firm with offices across Europe and chat with the engineers to learn more about Norway’s innovative approach to architectural design and urban planning.

Meet with scientists at an energy park that boasts both Norway’s largest solar heating plant and some of Scandinavia's leading hydrogen research and testing facilities.

Then, tour a government-funded waste management facility that processes tons of household food waste, turning it into biofertilizer and biogas that’s used to fuel farms and transportation systems.

Norway is a land of many contrasts. Some of its northernmost regions boast subarctic or arctic climates. The Midnight sun is visible in the summer and it’s even possible to observe the spectacular Aurora borealis when conditions are right.

Not all of this long and narrow country is located in the extreme north, however, and some of its territory stretches down into the more temperate parts of Europe.

Well known for its majestic fjords which were carved into bedrock by retreating glaciers long ago, Norway is home to some of the most spectacular natural scenery in the world. Its varied geography makes for an extremely diverse array of habitats which host a vast range of fascinating animals and plants that are well-adapted to the country’s unique environmental conditions.

Discover one of Norway’s 47 national parks, try catching a glimpse of a wild moose, polar bear or reindeer, or explore unique glacial landscapes while waiting for a peak at the Northern Lights. Next, take a boat tour of Oslo’s fjords and marvel at one of the world’s most spectacular natural landscapes.

Norway has a long history that began in 10,000 BCE when the first settlers moved into the area as the great ice sheets receded northwards. Eventually, the region gave birth to the Vikings, who raided, terrorized and colonized much of Europe for a period of over 200 years.

Like other Scandinavian peoples, Norwegians were once believers in the gods of Norse mythology, but many of the old beliefs were lost when the country underwent a period of Christianization near the end of the Viking Age.

After gaining full independence from neighboring Sweden and Denmark in the early 20th century, Norway was occupied by Germany for several years during World War II. The discovery of oil in the 1960's opened up an important new chapter in the nation’s history, paving the way for it to become one of the world’s most prosperous countries.

Visit the town of Horten, home of one of the world’s oldest naval museums and site of many Viking burial mounds. Explore Oslo’s old town and visit Oslo Cathedral, the main church of the Church of Norway.

Then, gain insight into Norway’s medieval history by touring the 13th century Akershus Castle and Fortress before feasting on traditional Norwegian foods like Fårikål, a hearty mutton and cabbage dish or Kjøttkaker, Norwegian meatballs in gravy, both comfort foods perfect for cold, long winters.

Norway is a progressive country and major promoter of human rights. It was the first country to ban discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community and is considered one of the world’s most gender-equal countries.

People in Norway enjoy an extensive social safety net, free or almost free education and universal healthcare. Like those in other countries that follow the Nordic welfare model, Norwegians generally report higher levels of happiness than most other people in the world.

Since 2001, Norway has almost always ranked first in the Human Development Index, reflecting Norwegian people’s high levels of education and income as well as their long life expectancy.

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