Solstice grew from an organization,
CLI, founded in Guilin, China. Our China programs are typically project-based, immersive, and centered by experiential learning. Solstice's network extends throughout China.
Business & EconomicsChina is home to one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Take a look inside companies and businesses across a variety of sector through Solstice-arranged visits and tours.
Religion & PhilosophyWhat is at the core of Taoism? How does Confucianism play a part in the Chinese way of life? For any interest in Eastern philosophy and religion, there is a plethora to explore throughout China. Engage in discussion at arranged visits to local tea houses, monasteries, and temples.
JournalismAs is widely known, the media and communications in China are heavily censored by the government. Gain an insider look into the world of journalism by attending company visits to select media firms through partnerships established by Solstice’s sister company, CLI.
History & CultureChina is recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world, along with Egypt, Babylon, and Indian. Its society is 4,000 years in the making and continues to inspire. Discover the majestic Great Wall and Forbidden Palace, the modern marvels of the world’s tallest second tallest skyscraper, and the cultural intricacies of the people of China.
Service WorkMake a difference in the most highly populated country in the world. Some of the opportunities available are to volunteer in local schools in both the city and the rural countryside, or teach and play games with children who have disabilities.