Engage in your own unique combination of opportunities while traveling through and settling into Chile.
Environment & Nature
Chile has a stunning natural environment ranging from desert expanses to ocean shores, with many national parks to explore. One such adventure is to embark on a hike of Embalse El Yeso, a mountain reservoir on the outskirts of Santiago.
Business & Engineering
Chile is booming with wide ranging industries, including the exports from local wineries and tech companies alike. One of many economic fields that can be explored is the engineering field. Partake in arranged company visits to local engineering firms such as Goodyear and Pacific Hydro.
History & Culture
As with many South American countries, Chile has a vast history that continues to shape its modern culture. Explore topics from Spanish Colonization to the mysteries of Easter Island. Join a local guide to explore the historical setting of the area.
Service Work
Service opportunities in Chile may include volunteering in the neighborhoods of Santiago or engaging in service work at local churches, synagogues, and schools.